Client's Corner Watch Out For the Creep! You’ve probably seen that interest rates are starting to slowly creep higher and higher. This can be a financial disaster for you if you are thinking you may want to sell your home in the next 2 to 8 years. There’s no question that you can sell your current house for more money and buy […]
Sellers May 15th – Remember This Date! If you’ve ever considered selling your home, you’ve likely procrastinated about it for months and sometimes even years. It’s a big step. Is now the best time? Will the market change? Where would we move to? These are all questions that likely pop into your head. It can be too much to consider and as […]
Homeowner Tips Make It Nice – But Not TOO Nice! Most homeowners don’t realize that you can actually make your home TOO nice! This may be the most important article you’ll ever read regarding home improvements and the “money drain” that they can cause. The real estate term “over improvement” is something most people are shocked to find out about long after they’ve spent all […]
Building Wealth Building Wealth Through Real Estate One of the things I always advise my real estate clients on is the development of wealth through the ownership of a couple rental properties. It surprises me how many people think they need to have perfect credit or lots of cash to buy a rental property or two. That’s simply not the case. When […]
Homeowner Tips Making Your House A Home There’s no better feeling than putting your own touches on the house you live in. It truly makes it feel like “home” with all of the personalization and creature comforts that make it warm and inviting for your family to enjoy. I’ve always loved to see the enjoyment our clients feel when they’ve added a […]
Client's Corner BEST BUY GIFT CARD GIVEAWAY!!! Enter Our Black Friday Giveaway for a Chance to Win One of These Valuable Prizes $500 Best Buy® Gift Card | 3 Winners $250 Best Buy® Gift Card | 12 Winners Entry Dates: October 10-31 Drawing Date: on or around November 1 Click HERE to ENTER
Building Wealth Is It Time To Rescue Your Retirement? Most of my real estate clients have been very happy with the increase they’ve seen in the value of all their investments over the past few years. When the economy is strong, nearly everything is going up in value. Stocks, bonds, real estate, 401k and more just seem to keep climbing and climbing. Do you […]
Sellers When Is The Best Time To Sell??? If you’ve ever considered selling your home, you’ve likely procrastinated about it for months and sometimes even years. It’s a big step. Is now the best time? Will the market change? Where would we move to? These are all questions that likely pop into your head. It can be too much to consider and as […]
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