Building Wealth

Building Wealth Could YOU Really Own A Few Rental Houses? I speak to dozens of area residents that say they’ve always thought about investing in a few rental properties, but they had no idea where to start and more importantly, they don’t want to make a mistake. We all know that wealth is created every single day through the ownership of rental houses (or an […]
Building Wealth The Coming Recession! You’ve undoubtedly seen that there’s a recession and market adjustment looming again. Many say it’s already here. This is all part of the natural cycle and after you’ve been through a few, you start to prepare for them and profit from them in several different ways. While the last bubble burst was real estate related […]
Building Wealth Keeping Your Eyes Peeled Spring has finally sprung and you are undoubtedly seeing more and more neighbors milling around the community. The nice weather allows for afternoon walks to be more enjoyable and it’s a great chance to say hello to some of the fellow homeowners! With all the blooming flowers, we also see several “For Sale” signs going […]
Building Wealth Building Wealth Through Real Estate One of the things I always advise my real estate clients on is the development of wealth through the ownership of a couple rental properties. It surprises me how many people think they need to have perfect credit or lots of cash to buy a rental property or two. That’s simply not the case. When […]
Building Wealth Is It Time To Rescue Your Retirement? Most of my real estate clients have been very happy with the increase they’ve seen in the value of all their investments over the past few years. When the economy is strong, nearly everything is going up in value. Stocks, bonds, real estate, 401k and more just seem to keep climbing and climbing. Do you […]
Building Wealth This Won’t Last Forever I’ve been very happy to see that over the last 5 to 6 years, the mortgage lending guidelines have relaxed a good bit which makes homeownership more achievable for a larger number of people. With those more normalized guidelines, also comes opportunity for those that are interested to break into the investing world with very […]
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