General InfoHomeowner Tips May 16, 2023

Increasing The Value Of Your Home

When it comes to one of the largest assets you’ll ever own, it’s important to ensure that you keep the value on par with where it should be in relation to other homes in the area. As you start seeing other homeowners doing upgrades to the inside or outside of their property, it’s important to keep up with the revitalization of your own home.

Sometimes a simple landscaping upgrade can make it feel like you live in an entirely different house each time you pull in the driveway. A fresh coat of paint or new flooring also makes the inside feel new and can keep your home on par with other properties that have done the same improvements.

We are all aware that your property’s overall value has a lot to do with comparable home sales within your area. But remember that any upgrades they have which seem superior to yours will certainly shine through with Realtors and Appraisers that are looking at the comps.

A few months before you plan to sell your home it’s best to first declutter as much as possible. Since we live in our homes every day, things can start to accumulate and before you know it, there’s clutter stacking in various places. Anytime a potential buyer is looking at a home it’s often because they are looking for more space. You want your property to look like it has ample space which can easily be done by taking things out of the home to make it look more open and spacious.

Each home is unique. There are generally a few items that your specific home could have done to increase the overall value by $10,000 to $20,000 yet it doesn’t cost much money to create that value. As a real estate professional, I offer to meet with my clients once every year or two to take a quick tour of the home see what they’ve done and provide some professional advice on things they COULD do to increase the value and marketability of the home. We’ve found that this works much better than waiting 5 or 6 years until it’s time to move again and then dealing with everything at once.

If you’d like some professional advice on how you can increase the value of your home, just give me a call and I can swing by. Being a Realtor, I’m always driving around town so it’s no problem at all to stop by. That’s also a good time for us to catch up for a moment! You know how to reach me!

Sellers February 21, 2023

When Is The Best Time To Sell???

If you’ve ever considered selling your home, you’ve likely procrastinated about it for months and sometimes even years. It’s a big step.

Is now the best time? Will the market change? Where would we move to? These are all questions that likely pop into your head. It can be too much to consider and as we know, the confused mind says “NO!”.

A new study was recently released by Zillow which showed that they did extensive research on the very BEST time to sell a home nationwide. The results are very revealing to say the least…

The researchers found that selling a home before May 15th not only allows it to sell faster, but also sell for a lot more money. As a matter of fact, those homes were sold for one percent more than those sold after May 15th. Coupling that with the fact that they also sell 18 days faster (on average) and this means it’s a far better option to get the home sold and closed prior to that mid-May date. Nationwide, a full 1% more for your home can mean thousands of dollars in additional profit as well as a much quicker sale time.

While this was a national study (rather than local) it certainly shows some facts you will want to consider when looking at a possible move.  

One of the most important things noted within their research was marketing time. It reveals that it can take 45 to 90 days to find the right buyer for your home, so you’ll need to allow your agent some marketing time in order to get the property “in contract” and finally closed prior to that magic May 15th date revealed in the study.

Obviously, waiting until April or May to list your home may be too late as there’s little chance it would close by that time.

We’ve always known that price is a function of supply and demand. With so many of your neighbors listing their home for sale during late Spring and once children get out of school for the Summer, it simply drives values down due to the flood of homes available. If you’ve considered selling, be sure you beat the rush!

General Info October 24, 2022

Helping Out In Our Community

Fall has arrived and we are nearing the Holidays quickly. You’ve undoubtedly noticed that everything is now flavored with “Pumpkin Spice” and the tastes, smells and sights are getting everyone into the Holiday spirit.

Inside my real estate business, I’m involved with a Mastermind Group of agents all over the country that try to give back to our individual communities as much as possible. Especially around Thanksgiving time, we’ve always looked at this as a time to reflect on how fortunate we are, what great families we all have and the love we should embrace for our fellow neighbors.

Unfortunately, we still have poverty in America. As a matter of fact, we have it right here in our area. This Thanksgiving, there will be families as well as single Mom’s and single Dad’s that can’t provide a bountiful feast for their loved ones. As you can imagine, nothing could be more disheartening or humiliating for the provider of a family, so we try to help out wherever possible.

Happiness, love and gratitude are things that are extremely important to me here in our community. I would encourage anyone that wants to create good will, good feelings and good examples for your children to just find a family or two that could use a little bit of cheer and help them out with a big family dinner or anything else that may be of assistance.

We’ve found these families by checking with local churches & charities, food banks and even running a few ads online to ensure we find good families that are simply down on their luck.

If you’d like to talk about this a little more, simply give me a call. Otherwise, help out anywhere you can!

Building Wealth October 24, 2022

This Won’t Last Forever

I’ve been very happy to see that over the last 5 to 6 years, the mortgage lending guidelines have relaxed a good bit which makes homeownership more achievable for a larger number of people.

With those more normalized guidelines, also comes opportunity for those that are interested to break into the investing world with very little cash out of pocket.

We all know that nearly ALL massively successful and wealthy people have given credit to real estate for a large percentage of their empire. It seems that every time you read an article about a multi-millionaire, they’ll talk about how they started with just one or two rental properties and leveraged off of that to generate a huge portfolio of properties and millions of dollars. I’m sure you’ve seen those articles yourself.

The problem is that it can be scary if you are venturing into something you’ve never done before. After all, you certainly don’t want to make a mistake or get into something that costs you money.

That’s why you use a professional advisor! As a licensed real estate pro, we look at these things all day – every day. We’ve worked with new investors as well as seasoned pro’s so we know what makes the most sense and how to get started in the right direction. One thing I’ve always leaned on when discussing real estate investments is that absolutely EVERY SINGLE ONE of the wealthy individuals I’ve spoken to or learned from said that the one regret they have is that they didn’t start earlier. All of them let fear stand in the way of them acquiring their first transaction.

Many times, I hear that people simply didn’t realize that investments were so attainable. They thought that they’d need a huge down payment and a 750 credit score or some other unknown requirements that would keep them from qualifying. That’s not the case.

Lending guidelines change all the time, but it’s always been exciting to me to see that someone can acquire an investment property with a minimal down payment and nearly “average” credit. Best of all, they can earn a positive cash flow each month to give them some extra money but in the meantime, that tenant is buying down the mortgage so that you’ll eventually own that home free and clear!

We’ve heard from some families that are just looking to acquire a couple of rental houses so that they can leave something for their children once they pass on several years (hopefully decades!) down the road. It’s a nice little surprise for your children to find out that you left a house to them that’s owned free and clear and is consistently bringing in a large rental check every month!

Fortunately, these are things that can be done in a far away distant area and they require NONE of your own labor or time. Remember, it’s always smarter to use a property manager so you never have to lift a finger.

Let the professionals handle it and you just cash the checks each month while watching your equity position grow!

My job is to help your family in making smart moves in real estate. Want to chat about it?



Homeowner Tips September 26, 2022

To Improve or Not To Improve

One of the biggest common misconceptions when it comes to your home is that all improvements will give you the value back and then some.

This is TOTALLY untrue.

I’ve met with homeowners that believe their home is worth $4,000 more than the others because they just replaced the air conditioner. No, your home is worth exactly as much as the others because it now has a working air conditioner. You’ve simply brought it up to par. Nobody would buy it at all when it wasn’t working and the only reason you replaced it is because it was broken or near broken.

It’s ridiculous to think I would get $6,000 more for my used car because the engine blew up and I spent $6,000 on a new one. No, now it’s worth the same as everyone else’s working car of similar specs.

If you spend $5,500 to put a beautiful deck on the back of your home, of course that increases the marketability and it increases the desirability. But that doesn’t mean you’ll get an additional $5,500 for the home. You won’t in most cases.

To be clear, you may get a little bit more money for the house, but you’ll also be getting your own enjoyment while you are living there.

I recently read a story about an owner that spent $13,000 for a privacy fence in his huge backyard and he was shocked to learn when he sold the next Summer that the home would be MUCH more desirable than the others, but he will only get an additional $5,000 for the home based on the beautiful fenced yard.

When you replace a roof or a hot water tank or any other mechanicals in a home, of course that’s an outstanding improvement. They would choose your home over those that have NOT done that improvement. But the fact is, you didn’t replace it to increase the value. You replaced it because the last one was bad, meaning the home was in ill repair. Yes, the buyers would choose yours, but they wouldn’t pay you dollar for dollar as to what you’ve invested.

On the flip side of that coin, most generally you’ll find that nearly ALL cosmetic or minor repairs will pay back huge dividends and may actually pay you back a multiple of what you’ve invested.

You already know that fresh paint and carpet goes a LONG way in creating more value within the home. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen one case where they didn’t get their investment back in terms of price and marketability.

The same is usually true for countertops, window repairs, punch-out items and many other minor issues. That’s why we often recommend a pre-market home inspection so you can knock out any minor issues to avoid scaring off the buyer when they have their inspections done.

Be sure you get with me on any improvements so that you can have a bit of professional advice before you pull the trigger on the project. There are two things to look at. One is resale value and the other is your own enjoyment of those items which is really your main goal to begin with, even if you won’t get your investment back. But remember, there are several things you can do to INCREASE the value and get a multiple of what you’ve invested in repairs or upgrades.

General Info September 26, 2022

Is It Time To Rescue Your Retirement?

Most of my real estate clients have been very happy with the increase they’ve seen in the value of all their investments over the past few years. When the economy is strong, nearly everything is going up in value. Stocks, bonds, real estate, 401k and more just seem to keep climbing and climbing.

Do you consider this good news or bad news?

As of right now, it’s great news, right? But we all know what happens when the economy goes back down within it’s normal cycle. Yes, the market will drop again and there will be a major market correction. This is normal and healthy. But if you leave your investments where they are currently and that drops 30% or 40% or even 50%, things can get a little stressful because you immediately lose all of the gains you’ve experienced in the past.

I’ve lived through several of these market and economic cycles and I’ve seen it over and over. I’m certainly not an investment advisor and I only specialize in real estate, but I can certainly tell you what I’ve seen personally since we deal with so many families and the finances they are working with.

Personally, I like taking money out of particular markets when it appears it’s at a peak just to go into a safer and more stable investment. Preservation is key during down-turning markets. I’ve seen lots of home buyers cash out their 401k to redirect it over to housing. They use it as down payment on real estate which stays MUCH more stable during down-turning markets.

While most people think that they have to pay some kind of big penalty if they cash out their 401k, they find that there’s actually no penalty if it’s used towards a home. Of course, I’d recommend you check with your financial advisor or professional to get their advice because everyone’s situation is unique. And with what we are seeing from the national economists, it looks like real estate will REMAIN on a slow creep up, even during the looming recession. Their specific words say that real estate will likely NOT see any reduction in value as everything else begins to slow.

Again, check with your advisors and see what they recommend you do with your nest egg. But personally, I’m not going to let it sit where it is much longer. Why lose it?



Probate August 25, 2022

Probate “Must-Have” Information

Homeowner Tips August 25, 2022

Does Curb Appeal Really Matter THAT Much?

You probably have a friend or two that’s working on some upgrades or repairs inside their home this month. It’s very common for us to want to improve the area in which our family lives. Everything from carpet to hardwood to fresh paint and sometimes even room additions or kitchen upgrades.

Many times, these small little additions can make it feel like a new home and can really brighten up the mood each time you walk into the room.

From a real estate value perspective, these upgrades can also increase your equity in the property if done correctly. As you push up the value of your home and make it more marketable, you not only get to enjoy it while you live there, but may also sell it for more money when the time comes to move.

It’s common to fix up the inside, but far too often, I see that people forget about the outside of the home. When you look at this from a resale perspective, you quickly notice that all home buyers shop online and they are generally choosing homes to look at or completely skip altogether simply based on the curb appeal. The picture is EVERYTHING so that front photo really matters.

With you and your family living in the home day to day, it can be a pretty good feeling to just paint the front door a different color or add a little bit of landscaping around the entrance. It gives you a fresh feel each time you come home and it helps you in enjoying the pride of homeownership.

As far as overall home value is concerned, the exterior can mean as much or more than the interior. Since marketability is a key factor in real estate, you want to make sure the curb appeal attracts as many people as possible. If you’ve casually browsed homes for sale online, you’ve undoubtedly skipped the ones with a bad looking front picture while you showed interest in those with a gorgeous snapshot of the front.

When the grass is green, the paint is fresh, the roof looks nice and the landscaping accentuates the home, there‘s something magnetically attractive about the property. And as you know, more interest in a home can mean more money!

All of my clients deserve to have as much equity as they can possibly create within their home. Even if you have no intentions of EVER making a move, it’s nice to know that your net worth is increased and you have something more valuable for whenever you decide to sell the place or hand it down to a loved one.

Coupling that with the fact that you get more enjoyment out of the property with some fresh digs, it makes home improvements (even basic cosmetics) a fun project to consider.

One key factor to remember is that these repairs, upgrades or improvements should all look professionally done. Nothing is worse than poor work in home repairs. It can be fun to take on a do-it-yourself project but most generally, you are better off getting a few quotes from professionals and getting it done by them. You can sit back and relax while the manual labor is dedicated to someone that loves their craft!