Client's Corner How’s Your Social Media This Summer? Many of my past clients stay in touch with me regularly and with social media exploding on the scene over the past decade or so, it’s never been easier to keep up with what our friends are up to. Now that Summer is here, many families are considering vacations or staycations and spending some quality […]
Building Wealth The Coming Recession! You’ve undoubtedly seen that there’s a recession and market adjustment looming again. Many say it’s already here. This is all part of the natural cycle and after you’ve been through a few, you start to prepare for them and profit from them in several different ways. While the last bubble burst was real estate related […]
Uncategorized When Is Best Time To Sell A Home? This is the question of all questions when it comes to real estate. As a professional agent and marketing specialist, I talk to homeowners during every month of the year that are hoping to “time the market” to sell the home for as much as possible. The common misconception is that you will sell a […]
General Info How Far Is Starbucks From You? Lately, stats have proven that your home’s value can be dependent upon your proximity to the local Starbucks, Trader Joe’s or any other local grocery store as well as fast food locations. According to Zillow, things that increase your home’s value are good school districts and neighborhoods, larger square footage and its closeness to these […]
Homeowner Tips Increasing The Value Of Your Home When it comes to one of the largest assets you’ll ever own, it’s important to ensure that you keep the value on par with where it should be in relation to other homes in the area. As you start seeing other homeowners doing upgrades to the inside or outside of their property, it’s important to […]
Homeowner Tips You’ll Probably Need Maintenance!! When you’re spring cleaning, you’ll likely find basic maintenance issues that need addressed. Did you know there’s actually a maintenance checklist full of items you should investigate within the home this time of year? Now that the weather is consistently staying above 70 degrees, you should run through this checklist to ensure your home is […]
Buyers The Proper Way To Think About Moving One of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make comes from deciding on the right time to move, and where to move to. As a real estate pro, I’ve seen that most people go about it all wrong. It’s not wise to just “decide” to make a move, then go with whatever house you happen to […]
Building Wealth Keeping Your Eyes Peeled Spring has finally sprung and you are undoubtedly seeing more and more neighbors milling around the community. The nice weather allows for afternoon walks to be more enjoyable and it’s a great chance to say hello to some of the fellow homeowners! With all the blooming flowers, we also see several “For Sale” signs going […]
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Homeowner Tips Spring Is Just Around The Corner! As I drive through the neighborhoods throughout our area, I always love seeing the difference in real estate during Springtime. It’s what homeownership is all about! You’ll see families out working in the yard, meeting on the sidewalk to catch up with neighbors and countless people out for a slow stroll with their dogs. Around […]
Client's Corner Watch Out For the Creep! You’ve probably seen that interest rates are starting to slowly creep higher and higher. This can be a financial disaster for you if you are thinking you may want to sell your home in the next 2 to 8 years. There’s no question that you can sell your current house for more money and buy […]
Sellers May 15th – Remember This Date! If you’ve ever considered selling your home, you’ve likely procrastinated about it for months and sometimes even years. It’s a big step. Is now the best time? Will the market change? Where would we move to? These are all questions that likely pop into your head. It can be too much to consider and as […]
Homeowner Tips Make It Nice – But Not TOO Nice! Most homeowners don’t realize that you can actually make your home TOO nice! This may be the most important article you’ll ever read regarding home improvements and the “money drain” that they can cause. The real estate term “over improvement” is something most people are shocked to find out about long after they’ve spent all […]
Building Wealth Building Wealth Through Real Estate One of the things I always advise my real estate clients on is the development of wealth through the ownership of a couple rental properties. It surprises me how many people think they need to have perfect credit or lots of cash to buy a rental property or two. That’s simply not the case. When […]
Homeowner Tips Making Your House A Home There’s no better feeling than putting your own touches on the house you live in. It truly makes it feel like “home” with all of the personalization and creature comforts that make it warm and inviting for your family to enjoy. I’ve always loved to see the enjoyment our clients feel when they’ve added a […]
Client's Corner Should We Meet This Month? Go to my calendar and schedule a time that is convenient for you!  Just CLICK here –> Chat with Darren   What an amazing year it was for most! Particularly in the real estate world, we experienced another 8 or 9 months of unmatched growth and appreciation followed by a few months of slow down […]
Sellers Selling Your Home During Winter Most people want to shy away from selling their homes in the winter, whether it be from the cold, the holiday craziness, or because they simply think that their home won’t sell for enough money. Although, winter may not be the most popular time to sell a home, this does not mean you need to […]
Uncategorized The Market Is Starting To SLOW! If you’ve been watching the local news lately, you’ve likely seen that the real estate market is starting to slow. More accurately, I’d refer to it as a more “normalized” market as we’ve been red hot for years. The truth is that we are just a few months short of having the longest economic recovery […]
Uncategorized Tips to Make the Holiday Season Easier Summer flew by, Halloween came and went, and before we knew it, we are prepping for the upcoming holiday season. As magical as the holidays are, with friends and loved ones coming together, it’s also a time of stress and never-ending to-do lists. There are plenty of things you can do to keep you and […]
Client's Corner BEST BUY GIFT CARD GIVEAWAY!!! Enter Our Black Friday Giveaway for a Chance to Win One of These Valuable Prizes $500 Best Buy® Gift Card | 3 Winners $250 Best Buy® Gift Card | 12 Winners Entry Dates: October 10-31 Drawing Date: on or around November 1 Click HERE to ENTER
Building Wealth Is It Time To Rescue Your Retirement? Most of my real estate clients have been very happy with the increase they’ve seen in the value of all their investments over the past few years. When the economy is strong, nearly everything is going up in value. Stocks, bonds, real estate, 401k and more just seem to keep climbing and climbing. Do you […]